Sunday, November 11, 2018

Space or Pancake

Mindfuckery... Up in this botch!.....

I know a few people who might get this one.

Perfect combo


Am I the only one who sang that....?

Venom USA Vs UK


Idiot + Scotch tape =

The best part of Snapchat is taking potentially embarrassing pictures that disappear soon after you send them! Except sometimes, they just won't go away.

Amazon Prime

  This is why I don't feel comfortable with random people going into my home. Amazon or not.

16 Funny & Relatable Tweets That'll Take Your Brain On Vacation

Bob Ross ^w^

Levels of squeezing.



Sunday, September 16, 2018


 Well, I failed to keep up with posts.

 Now that I can use my laptop more, there SHOULD be more posts...

Also, here is the latest video : 

I saw no one did it before, so I did.

More posts and videos coming soon!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Important update...

 The reason that I haven't been posting is because on the 10th, soon after I made the Baldi video.. An important family member had to go to the hospital. Ever since then I have not wanted to leave their side, and I have wanted to help them recover.

Post will resume after everything is alright. Sorry for the delay, but things will get better.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


 I am still live, I am just renovating a few things and very busy lately.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Friday, June 1, 2018

My accomplishment for today:

I was dancing and pulled off a high kick so high that if I was in an apartment I would have accidentally glamour kicked a light above me.

 yay me!