Thursday, May 24, 2018

This video was a request on my last video!~

Nothing is mine!

I am so sorry! I know this is nothing how Peridot acts.. buuut... the person did say to make it a surprise!~

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

According to my dad's phone:

How to properly cook a lobster.

This advice is valid.

Instead of chopping it in half, you should put the lobster into the freezer until it is almost completely frozen because it will go into a very deep sleep. When It is like this, quickly put it into the boiling water. The lobster will cook before it wakes up causing a painless death, so you do not have to feel bad about throwing it into boiling water.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Update post:

Just trying to draw now... I got a comment on a post on Pintrest (Forgot which one) and a fan wants a drawing of me and her dancing!~


Friday, May 11, 2018

I tried this...

 He spared me. You can't do this more than once on the same device because it remembers you. I have proof.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Well this poses as a problem...

 I'll try my more human-like Ex form then...

I found this in my old art stuff.

 His name was Sujikawa, and was my very first original anime character. I was too young to ink it down and color it in.

Promise Update

 I promise that I will post something at least once a day from now on. If i forget one day, then I'll make up for it by posing more the next day.