Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 3

 Almost the same as yesterday... weird...

It's like a Hallmark Christmas movie!... all of them

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Day 2

 Really not as good... Woke up and had already messed something up before I was even awake... oops...
Can't believe Netflix and other places don't have The Nightmare Before Christmas. They usually have it as soon as October starts! So this year doesn't make any sense at all... Even the neighbors haven't decorated for Halloween like all the other years.

What is going on around here???

Memories: looking down the street where the small bed and breakfast is and finding it not decorated like it usually is. Watched people sing the songs from the movie.

Best part: Recalling some old Christmas movies I used to watch.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Day 1

 General: Had a pretty good day, lots of games and running around outside. Tired dogs = less worry.

Memories: Puppy named Sophie learned how to go up and down the outside stairs by herself, so there is no more need to carry her when it's time for her to use the bathroom.

Best part: POPEYE'S CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (There isn't one around me, so it takes a long time to drive to the nearest one.)

Newest idea:

 What if... I just update every day?... like diary entries! 

Let's try it. The minimum of once a day, every day.